Membership Opportunities

NALMCO is the organization of lighting management professionals that promotes the best use of all lighting technologies." - Steve Kath, CLMC, The Retrofit Companies, Owatonna, MN
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Why You Should Belong

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The lighting industry is saturated with new technologies nearly every day. Every one of those advancements comes with both risk and opportunity. Ignore a new technology, and risk missing opportunities. Take action, and risk making the wrong choice.  Fortunately, industry organizations like NALMCO are here to help. By being part of the right organization, you can get credible information, take advantage of educational opportunities, earn valuable professional certifications and participate in relevant events. All things that will help you stay ahead of the curve. 

Review the lighting pro’s guide to industry organizations to see how membership in NALMCO is unique and supports your membership in other industry organizations.  Download an introductory guide to NALMCO and the various membership types.  Use NALMCO’s power to make your business stronger—join today!

Membership Rates

New General and Associate memberships paid for the period from November to December will be valid until December 31 of the subsequent year.

General Member - NALMCO General Members include companies that provide or contract labor, materials, or design/consulting for the purpose of providing lighting maintenance services, including electrical contractors, energy service companies (ESCos), lighting maintenance service providers, and lighting & energy consultants.   
If Joining: November - April May - October (discounted rate)
1 to 5 Employees $895 $450
6-15 Employees $1250 $625
16 to 25 Employees $1700 $850
26 to 75 Employees $2350 $1,175
76 or more Employees $3100 $1550
Associate Member - NALMCO Associate Members include specialty lighting distributors, manufacturers, utilities or associations.
If Joining: November - April May - October (discounted rate)
  $1500 $750
Professional Member 
Individuals Only (Discounted rates do not apply) $300

A team of NALMCO General Members have answered some of the most frequently asked questions by Associate Members. If you have additional questions or would like to discuss the potential ROI you may receive when partnering with NALMCO, please contact NALMCO’s Executive Director at [email protected].

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Professional Members

Professional Members may include landlords, energy managers, lighting efficiency professionals, auditors, architects, IT professionals or governmental agencies, utilities or property management firms responsible for energy and lighting. This membership is for individuals, not companies, who do not otherwise qualify for General or Associate membership. Professional Members are encouraged to consider obtaining one of NALMCO’s certifications within two years of joining the Association. Professional Members will receive LM&M and will be listed in the Directory and receive member pricing for events and certifications. Professional members are eligible to serve on committees but not be eligible to vote or hold office.


Education Partners

NALMCO Education Partners are accredited* educational institutions that have been approved by the NALMCO Board of Directors for the purposes of certification and limited member benefits.  Educational institutions appoint individuals under their Education Partner membership. Individuals will maintain the same mailing address as the educational institution. 


  • Member pricing for NALMCO certification programs.
  • Member pricing for all NALMCO events, functions and professional development.
  • Member access to the NALMCO website.
  • Quarterly subscription to Lighting Management & Maintenance (LM&M) for five individuals.
  • Listing in the online and printed NALMCO Membership Directory.

Education Partners are not required to pay membership dues. Education Partners are not eligible to vote, or to be elected or appointed to hold office on the NALMCO Board of Directors but are eligible to serve on committees.   *Proof of accreditation is required. An accreditation certificate must accompany the application. 

Strategic Partners

NALMCO Strategic Partners include trade associations that have been approved by the NALMCO Board of Directors for reciprocal activities.

  • May purchase NALMCO certification manuals and exams at a 25% discount off the non-member price. 
  • May attend NALMCO events at a rate established by the Board of Directors. 
  • Reciprocate Staff and/or Board member attendance at industry events. 
  • Reciprocate booth space at industry events. 
  • Reciprocate website listings. 
  • Reciprocate advertising space in trade publications. 
  • Listing in the online and printed NALMCO Membership Directory.
  • Strategic Partners are not eligible to vote, to be elected or appointed to the Board of Directors or to hold office. 


For more information about becoming an Education or Strategic Partner, please contact the NALMCO Executive Director at [email protected]